September 30, 2023

The Power of Repeatable Content

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Have you ever dealt with 'content fatigue'?

Feeling absolutely exhausted from always having to think of and create 'new' content?

Well, here's something you should recognize that will make your life significantly easier:

Your content has a longer shelf-life than you think.

I recently ran an experiment where I posted similar tweets on two different days — September 7th and September 19th.

That’s only 12 days apart. I wanted to see how closely people pay attention.

Tweet 1

Tweet 2

These are basically the same Tweet but with slightly altered words.

Both of these Tweets received an extremely high level of engagement, averaging 3,220 interactions each. Contrast that with my normal content engagement, which is around 900.

It’s interesting to see how a particular structure of words resonates so deeply.

Repetition Isn't Your Enemy, It's Your Ally

Successful creators already know this secret.

Nearly every pop music hit you can think of uses the same four chords.

Blockbuster films follow the same story formula called “The Hero’s Journey”. The narrative arcs of Star Wars, The Lion King, and The Matrix are made from the same building blocks.

If they can recycle elements that work, you can too.

I use and reuse specific styles, structures, and ideas across social media, which has helped me grow from 2,000 to nearly 600,000+ followers on platforms like LinkedIn.

When something works, use it.

The Real Magic is in Packaging Information Effectively

The information you share online is critical, but how you package that information can make or break its impact.

That’s why I like creating reusable templates.

They offer a structured approach to creating impactful content when I’m tired of writing, not feeling creative, or simply in a rut.

So, if a certain style or structure works — go back to the damn well. Not every day. Not every week. Don’t be a repeating robot. But, don’t just throw something away after one use. People are inundated with information, and nobody recalls everything you've shared.

Take it from a guy who has been creating daily content for almost 5 years. Once you learn this lesson, you’ll understand the importance of building a portfolio of high-performance content.

Today's Action Step

Want to maximize the ROI of your content? Here's how:

  1. Identify your 3-5 best-performing pieces of content.
  2. Use ChatGPT to turn them into reusable templates. Just type: "I want to turn a Tweet/LinkedIn Post that worked very well into a template that I can reuse to write about nearly any topic. Here's the content:"
  3. Insert your chosen content and store your new template somewhere for reuse.

I've also created a solution that takes this principle even further.

Every month, I send out 5 proven social media templates to more than 2,400 subscribers. These templates are designed to help you not just repurpose, but also enhance the quality and engagement of your posts.

Want in? ​Click here​.

Remember, you're not a one-hit wonder. You're a consistent performer, and consistency is what builds brands.

See you next week.

Whenever you're ready, there are 4 ways I can help you:

1. The Creator MBA:  Join 4,000+ entrepreneurs in my flagship course. The Creator MBA teaches you exactly how to build a lean, focused, and profitable Internet business. Come inside and get 5 years of online business expertise, proven methods, and actionable strategies across 111 in-depth lessons.

2. The LinkedIn Operating System:​  Join 22,500 students and 50 LinkedIn Top Voices inside of The LinkedIn Operating System. This comprehensive course will teach you the system I used to grow from 2K to 550K+ followers, be named a Top Voice and earn $7.5M+ in income.

3. The Content Operating System​:  Join 10,000 students in my multi-step content creation system. Learn to create a high-quality newsletter and 6-12 pieces of high-performance social media content each week.

4. ​Promote yourself to 215,000+ subscribers​ by sponsoring my newsletter.

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