February 18, 2023

10% of People Will Hate You

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When you use it right, social media is one of the most powerful tools for building a tribe of like-minded and like-motivated thinkers.

However, it's really easy to get caught up in the fear of how our content might be perceived by others.

This worry can cause creators to hold back their thoughts and ideas, be extremely vanilla and boring, or even worse, censor themselves altogether.

I’ve lived it firsthand!

I write something valuable that I know can help people, but start worrying about the what-about-ists and the people who will nitpick my words to death. It's exhausting.

That’s exactly what happened recently to one of my coaching-clients-turned-friends, Justin Nassiri, on LinkedIn.

He wanted to share a piece of content that talked about how he invested in himself and his business in 2022.

Here’s the catch: He had spent $75,000 and he was concerned that it would come off as out-of-touch (or insensitive) given that the average American worker only earns about $54,000 per year.

I reviewed the content and it was extremely valuable. High-performance entrepreneurs and solopreneurs would greatly benefit from how he thought about self-investment and self-improvement.

Should he hold back from sharing for fear of potentially offending someone who isn’t in a position to make that investment?

In my opinion, no way.

There was nothing mean or divisive or nasty in the content. If there was, I would have told him to delete it and write something else. If you’ve been following me long enough, you know that cruelty and being unkind isn’t my thing.

Instead, I advised him to go ahead and share the post because his audience would find it valuable. And, if there were some who didn't appreciate it, they probably weren't his target audience to begin with.

You cannot write for everyone.

You cannot combat every possible objection.

You cannot please 100% of people when you share your thoughts.

So don’t try.

Instead, share your knowledge and be prepared for 10% of people to always hate what you do, say, or stand for. It’s just how the world works.

The confidence to share and a little bit of thick skin go a long way.

So, trust your gut and share your thoughts. That's when the good stuff happens.

That's all for today.

See you next week.

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