I've observed a common pattern among people on the internet who are trying to make money:
The harder they try, the more they fail.
This phenomenon has a name: It’s known as the Law of Reversed Effort, and understanding how it works will help you succeed in building a business that makes money.
The Law of Reversed Effort says that the more you directly pursue a goal, the less likely you are to achieve it. This means that if you focus solely on trying to make money, you’ll (unintentionally) hinder your progress.
So instead, try shifting your attention to solving problems for your target audience.
Here are two simple piece of advice that will help:
Prioritize value creation: Rather than obsessing over how to make more money, concentrate on delivering exceptional value to prospects and customers.
For example, start giving away your secret sauce in your content. I do this every single day. I’ve written 4,000+ newsletters, articles, Tweets and LinkedIn posts that anyone can read and execute on. They’re all free!
So over the last 5 years, people have come to know me as someone who they can trust because I’ve created value for them daily. What happens when you show off expertise, become an authority and build trust? You make money.
Develop a growth mindset: Start embracing the idea that your skills and knowledge can be continuously expanded. No matter what stage of the game you’re at, you should always be investing in your personal and professional development to enhance the value you offer.
Read books, hire a coach, join masterminds, or create a small community of like-minded people. Don’t wait for someone else to do it. Go make it happen.
Build your brand — it's 2024 and platforms like LinkedIn offer the easiest path to become well-known online. You're missing an incredible opportunity if you're not playing the game.
Already have a brand and want to build a business? Consider The Creator MBA which takes you behind the scenes of my 111-piece framework for building online businesses.
Or...choose someone else products! Whatever you do, please invest in yourself and your growth mindset.
Because, remember — by focusing on your own growth, you'll be better equipped to handle obstacles, overcome challenges, and seize new opportunities when they come your way. And they'll come your way if you take that action.
Financial success is all about aligning your efforts with the needs of your target audience. Stop being desperate to make money and start creating value and adopting a growth mindset.
In a weird twist, the money will come a lot easier.